Saturday, August 20, 2011


So the injury bug is a bitch, no doubt. If you're starting lineup includes Chris Stewart, Mark DeRosa and Aaron Rowand, you shouldn't win a baseball game....ever. Now if you were playing who has the coolest Ford F-250 Extra Cab with the 44 Inch Super Swamper tires, then the Giants win in a land slide. Now even Whiteside is out (he's on the Concussion DL, which I bet half of you haven't even heard of) because of that sweet face plant slide he performed on Thursday night. So I give Bochean a pass until the Giants are somewhat healthy again. But I have more thoughts on the roster in general.

Let's take Mark DeRosa for example. Awesome clubhouse guy and personality and he should be a coach/instructor at some point in his career. However, Sabean signed him to a 2 yr, $12 Million deal last year to be our starting LF but he got hurt. Not Sabean's fault. But really, $12 mil to a 34 yr old (at the time of the signing) who had never hit more than 21 bombs and hadn't driven in more than 87 runs in his career. But you know what he was....a "Professional Hitter". He'll give you a good AB, grind the pitcher down. Which to Bochean means he's a .310 hitter who ALWAYS comes up with a clutch hit. When in reality, he's a .235 hitter who gets an RBI infield single in the 8th inning when the Giants are up or down 6 runs. You know, the Tejada special. The guy has no business taking up a roster spot on this years Giants squad (He's 2 for 30 with 0 runs/RBI since April 17th. Sure, mostly pinch hitting but come on). But he's a veteran so we (Giants fans) gotta deal with it.

Now I crush Bochean in this blog, with good reason. But I'm a equal opportunity blogger. I'll list the good with these two. Bochy first. He's great with the clubhouse, can run a pitching staff and is a solid "players coach" (In that if you're a veteran, he'll give you ample time and AB's to figure things out). He makes good moves from the bullpen and does keep guys on an even keel even when things look dire. Now Sabean is a bit harder for me but here goes. He hasn't really made any good free agent signings since Barry Bonds (except Affeldt) so I'll leave that alone. Getting Ramon Ramirez and Javier Lopez last year solidified the bully and were as important in my opinion as getting Cody Ross (who he actually claimed on waivers so the Padres wouldn't get him. If you remember, he was like our 6th OF'er when we got him. Behind even Jose Guillen!!!). Huff obviously was a sneaky good deal and he paid off huge for the money he got last year and I absolutely loved the Keppinger trade this year. I see Keppinger as the answer at SS if they decide that Crawford isn't the future at SS and Freddy Sanchez is back full strength next year (and of course Crawford isn't the answer, he's not a veteran). And lastly, Sabean has put together a top notch Minor league scouting and development team. I see the younger hitters catching up with the pitchers soon enough and the Giants will actually start throwing some real home grown talent on the field (Posey, Belt, Panda and Nate are a great start). So that's all Bochean gets. Now I can start my "Mark DeRosa for Bochy" campaign....well maybe not 'bout Ron Wotus...or Roger Craig(former 49ers RB)....or Barak Obama....or Lee get the picture.

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